NACEP 认证 Welcomes Seven New Institutions and a New State to the Concurrent and Dual Enrollment Community!


Concurrent Enrollment Programs Offering College Courses Taught by High School Instructors and College Faculty Receive NACEP 认证


The 认证委员会 of the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) granted initial accreditation to seven dual and concurrent enrollment programs and re-affirmed accreditation to seven dual and concurrent enrollment programs at colleges and universities nationwide. This brings the total number of NACEP-accredited programs across the country to 133, 横跨26个州.

“Congratulations to all the institutions receiving NACEP accreditation. Your commitment to meeting these standards shows the value your institution has for providing high school students with rigorous coursework that will help ease their transition from high school to postsecondary,Mike Altomari分享道, Associate Chair of the NACEP’s 认证委员会.

As the nation’s only accrediting body for these unique and impactful educational partnerships, NACEP’s standards serve as the model criteria for ensuring parity in faculty, course content, 学生的成绩和支持. Receiving NACEP accreditation means an institution has met the nation’s most rigorous standard in concurrent enrollment program development, management, and evaluation across multiple, multifaceted program areas.

NACEP was excited to work with the applicants in the 2022-2023 cycle and celebrated many institutions and a few noteworthy milestones. 艾米·威廉姆斯, NACEP的执行主任, noted that it has been an exciting accreditation cycle for NACEP: “We are thrilled to welcome our first accredited program in the Sunshine State and have several states that are adding new depth to the roster of accredited programs.” NACEP welcomes Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, our first accredited program in Florida. 在乔治亚州, NACEP granted accreditation for both the concurrent enrollment program (CEP) and College-Provided Faculty model at Georgia Northwestern Technical College, making them the third institution in Georgia and one of three in the nation to hold NACEP accreditation for both endorsements.

除了, Elgin Community College (Illinois) and Mid-Plains Community College (Nebraska) are the second programs to be granted accreditation in their respective states. 明尼苏达州增加了两所机构(Bethel University and Saint Paul College), which brings their total number to 32, making them the state with the largest number of NACEP-accredited programs.

To earn NACEP accreditation, concurrent enrollment programs conduct a self-study,

document how their programs adhere to NACEP’s sixteen standards, and undergo a rigorous peer-review process conducted by a team of representatives from NACEP accredited programs as well as the members of the NACEP 认证委员会. NACEP’s accreditation is valid for five years for initial accreditation and seven years for programs that are reaccredited between accreditation reviews; programs commit to upholding NACEP’s standards and report annually on program practices across the sixteen standards.

Dr. 迈克尔·梁, NACEP认证委员会主席, 表达, “Many thanks to the hundreds of volunteers who make this process possible, 特别是认证专员, 同行评审小组领导, 和成员. None of this work and support is achievable without their strong collaboration efforts and time commitment.他补充道, “谨代表认可委员会, I want to congratulate all of the newly accredited and re-accredited programs, as they have successfully demonstrated their commitment to NACEP’s standards for high-quality programming.”


  • 明尼苏达州伯特利大学(CEP)
  • 华盛顿森特利亚学院(CEP)
  • 伊利诺伊州埃尔金社区学院(CEP)
  • 佛罗里达州安柏瑞德航空大学(CEP)
  • 乔治亚州西北技术学院(CEP & CPF)
  • 内布拉斯加州中部社区学院(CPF)
  • 明尼苏达圣保罗学院(CEP)


  • 印第安纳州波尔州立大学(CEP)
  • 密苏里州中央卫理公会大学(CEP)
  • 康宁社区学院,纽约(CEP)
  • 爱荷华州爱荷华湖社区学院(CEP)
  • 密苏里浸会大学(CEP)
  • 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学(CEP)
  • Owensboro Community and Technical College, Kentucky (CEP)

CEP -同步招生计划背书

CPF -学院提供的教师模式背书


NACEP will recognize these programs and their accomplishments at the 2023 全国会议 in St. 路易斯,密苏里州. 欲了解更多有关此活动的信息,请十大网络娱乐平台排名

For a complete list of NACEP accredited programs and Record of 认证s, please visit 要了解认证过程,请十大网络娱乐平台排名

为程序寻找寻求, 维护, 或了解更多关于NACEP认证的信息, 考虑参加认证学院. 欲了解更多信息,请十大网络娱乐平台排名


The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) is the leading membership organization supporting programs that successfully transition students from high school to college through college credit-bearing courses. 我们提倡高质量节目 through national standards, accreditation, and professional development. 我们的会员提供 college courses to high school students through a variety of delivery methods and use a range of terms such as concurrent enrollment, 双录取, 双重信用, 和早期大学. NACEP’s national member network of close to 500 institutions includes colleges and universities, 高中/学区, and state agencies actively sharing the latest knowledge about best practices, 研究, 和宣传.